What Is Quik N’ Easy?
Quik N’ Easy is a Food Delivery App that’s fast, convenient, and offers great communication every step of the way.
The Problem?
After the COVID-19 Pandemic happened, people were forced to re-evaluate how they order food from local restaurants while dining in was not an option. While ordering food can be a timely and uncertain process, our app looks to bridge that gap and offer a timely, well-communicated delivery platform for users to order food and feel good about their purchase from the moment they’re ordering until their food has arrived at their location as expected.
The Answer
Quik N’ Easy is a food delivery app that is easy to scan and search for products, has a simple interface, offers a timely service with great communication (and doesn’t require too much human interaction, so users can quickly order their food with minimal effort and enjoy more of their leisure time.
ROLE: UX Designer/ Researcher
Methods: Directed Storytelling Interviews, Low-Fidelity Wireframes, User Flow, Interactive Prototypes, Moderated Usability Testing, Think-Aloud Protocol, Findings and Recommendations Report.
Tools: Sketch, Axure, Photoshop, Otter.ai
Our research began by exploring other food delivery apps and services to gain a better understanding of the services being offered in the space and area. By using a handful of competitor’s apps, we were better able to better understand their functionality, goals, and opportunities for improvements.
The focus then shifted to a more human aspect, by using directed storytelling interviews to better understand how users perceive food delivery services, what their expectations were, what they like or dislike, needs, pain points, and their overall experiences. Our goal with these directed storytelling interviews was to identify a new opportunity in the food delivery services. Three participants were chosen for a 20-30 minute interview, where they were asked the same questions and their responses were recorded.
Our Findings were then synthesized into a research finding’s report to gain a better perspective of what users want and define our goal statement of ‘The User Group is made up of adults that are seeking a food delivery app that is easy to scan and search for products, has a simple interface, offers a timely service with great communication (and doesn’t require too much human interaction), so they can quickly order their food without putting in too much time or effort and enjoy more of their leisure time.’
Low Fidelity wireframes
The design process started with some low-fidelity wireframe sketches to provide a baseline idea of what the app would look like and some key features that were identified in the research. Our hand-sketched wireframes were then digitized and included some notes on how users could interact within the app and show how it functioned.
User Flow Chart
A User Flow Chart was created to map out the flow of the application with our users in mind. To best understand these needs and the experience you want your customers to have, it's important to map and visualize them. This chart was created to allow for a faster funneling of the main flow process but also allowed users to explore within the application.
Our Design process started with some low fidelity wireframe sketches to provide a baseline idea of what the app would look like and some key features that were identified in the research. Our hand-sketched wireframes were then digitized and included some notes on how users could interact within the app and to show how it functioned.
The testing process involved three different individuals who were chosen on their familiarity with IOS Apps and delivery services- these users participated in Think-aloud interviews. All interviews were conducted in a similar way, where an interview script was crafted and a testing method was relayed to each user. The goal of this testing was to gain a better insight on opportunities, identify pain points, see how well the app flowed, and evaluate the usability of the app itself.
The Future
Through our testing and results, we believe that with added implementations around usability, scanability, aesthetics, branding, and a better flow, Quik N’ Easy is well on its way to becoming a fast and easy way for users to order food from their favorite restaurants.